Course Description

UNICATA offers the following course: “Solid waste management and governance with the inclusion of waste pickers for a sustainable and fair society”, composed of 6 modules.

  • Based on Paulo Freire’s popular education pedagogy, the democracy of knowledge and the practice of peer learning.
  • Prepared from a survey carried out with waste pickers in São Paulo in 2022 to understand their aspirations, needs and desires in relation to the possibility of studying.
  • Content adapted to the specific context of the city where the course is offered.
  • Open to waste pickers with or without completing basic education, avoiding structural barriers and exclusion criteria.
  • Classes adapted to the needs of students with the use of different means of communication in their academic production (video, audio, group work).
  • For each module completed, students receive a certificate of completion of the extension course issued by the University of Victoria (UVic) and the Federal University of ABC (UFABC).

Format and Content

  • The course has 6 modules, with 52 hours of classes and a field visit each.
  • The content is created collaboratively between academics from partner universities and representatives of the waste pickers, who also teach classes collectively.
  • Before each module, training is carried out with educators, to share the pedagogical approach, methodology and teaching philosophy.

Modules of The Course


Introduction to the course

All themes raised during the research and two workshops by the waste pickers. Module 1 is an introduction to the full course.


Waste Picking

History of the waste pickers movement, waste pickers as social subjects, political education, social exclusion, gender issues, social movements, etc.



Regulatory and legislative aspects of waste management, extended producer responsibility, reverse logistics, circular economy.



Administration, human resources, financial management, accounting, computer operations, recycling technologies, safety, health, and good working conditions.



Sustainability, environmental education, solid waste and environmental impacts, incineration, environmental and climate justice.



Research praxis focused on the context of waste pickers (mixed research methodologies, research ethics, research project development.

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A university with and for waste pickers

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